Basic DNS Resolution Process | Domain Name System, DNS Query , DNS Response
DNS – Domain Name System – DNS is a very popular and well known protocol, DNS server is most critical service component of internet, without…
Maximum Transmission Unit – MTU-TCP/IP Networking world
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) is a well-known parameter in the TCP/IP Networking world. MTU “maximum transmission unit” define the maximum length of network packet/Frame transmission…
Ping, Network latency, Jitter, RTT, Packet lose And Troubleshooting Understanding
Basic Networking Troubleshooting Understanding PING – Packet Internet Groper PING is primary tool used to troubleshooting network connectivity and verify reachability between computer system over the…
Transport Control Protocol – TCP Reliable and Connection-Oriented
TCP- Transport control Protocol Transport control Protocol (TCP) is a transport layer protocol (OSI Model – Layer4) is a reliable and connection-oriented that sends data…
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