Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Security – Concept of Two-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)  or two factor authentication is a new IT security architecture model  that adds an extra layer of protection on top of  user-name and password.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security practice that allow to implements multi-factor authentication system in order to validate users identity before gaining access of system and resources.Instead just asking the user-name and password , MFA requires other—additional—credentials, such as a code from the user’s smartphone, the answer to a security question, a fingerprint, or facial recognition.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is concept of additional layer of security for network and applications components. In the recent time information security paradigm are changing very rapidly. IT Security experts are keen to learn new parameter of security to enhance enterprise security for business applications running under across the cloud platform and Data-Center.

In today’s time, only single authentication method like username/password are no longer effective solution in order protect user legitimacy before give them applications access in system.So increasingly hostile environments, multi-factor authentication is a foundational piece in maintaining an organisations identity security.


Example of MFA –

✍🏼 The common Best example of Multi-Factor authentication is the withdrawing of money from Bank ATM – When you use only correct combination of a bank card and a PIN (Four digit PIN) allows the transaction to be carried out.

✍🏼 The other example is online banking, where customer use online banking for  fund transfer that also have combination of user-controlled password with a one-time password (OTP) you may received  on registered phone no.only then fund transfer process happen.

✍🏼 The other example certificate authentication for machine and application authentication based on Certificates and user-name password in order to protect corporate applications from threat of rogue machines or devices.It help Identifying all employee laptops and mobile devices before allowing access to WiFi networks, VPNs, Gateways, etc.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) also known two factor authentication method (2FA) security policy can enhance enterprise applications security by implementing additional layer of authentication measures like sending text message on your register phone, one time password token or a fingerprint users can access accounts that hold sensitive information or controls.

Multi-factor authentication protects the users from different cyber attack like brute-force password attacks , phishing, social engineering and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials.

Author: Ronnie Singh

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